Hello friends near and far! 

Christmastime is here, and Christmas day is quickly approaching. I, for one, find I’m not actually as ready as I thought I was. Gifts for the yearly Finnish charity, JouluPuu, have been bundled and have been ready to be dropped off, but I forgot where the drop-off location is! I feel terrible, and hope it’s not too late! I need to get myself sorted!! 🙂

The snow which has been arriving in miniscule, tiny flakes since late November somehow added up to 22 cm. Today through Monday a warm jet stream is pushing milder temperatures our way, which will be both nice, and a real headache for getting around on the roads. Thankfully, I let Pekka do all the driving! 

Right now, the warmer air is helping create a lot of mist and fog as the warm front is colliding with the cold air. This view from across the fence into the farmers’ field was only slightly misty about an hour ago, and you could still see the large spruce forest in the distance. I thought, hmm, I should go and take a picture, it looks so lovely. An hour later and you cannot even see the forest! The tracks along the fence are from some of the local deer population.

In other news, I’ve found our air fryer does a real treat on baking Christmas tarts, which are so popular here in Finland. The fryer has almost nearly replaced our regular oven for most things. And even with all the use it gets, I’m sure I haven’t even scratched the surface on all of its capabilities. If you eat enough tarts, you get quite jolly and don’t mind tromping through the several centimeters of snow to get pictures for your blog post! I have a bench here with a great garden view, OPEN, no waiting!

The Thujas have grown so big and look quite handsome in the layering of snow on them. This one is a beast and is not only much taller than me, but also all the other Thujas.

Coming around to the back terrace, the steps are covered in wind-blown snow. (NOTE TO SELF: House REALLY needs fresh paint!!!) I like the color orange, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t want to live in an orange house!!

This scene looks very tranquil and is bearing the winter conditions just fine. I saw no animals tracks in any part of the garden – which means large critters aren’t finding a way in. But last year, it was the smallest critters that did the most damage! Voles had tunneled under the snow and made a home in the water garden lilies. They not only munched the huge clumps (4) down to nubs, they stripped the bark from several large bushes and trees in the vicinity. I’m sure the little beasties are down there having a field day. ggrrrr.

I can tell you I was getting a real workout tromping all around the yard in that snow! Thankfully, I was enriched by those Christmas tarts I’d eaten! I was happy to make my way back inside, where a cup of hot tea was waiting for me! Unfortunately, there are still tarts sitting there too! (NOTE TO READERS: From first-hand knowledge, I can report they never taste as great the day after as they do fresh from baking.) (NOTE TO SELF: next year, don’t eat so many tarts!) hehehe

I’d like to wish everyone who has found their way here a very special and a very merry Christmas. We sincerely offer our thanks for your kind words and enthusiasm received this year, and all other years too.

Merry Christmas – Joy to the World

And a Happy New Year!!!