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As we’ve officially entered spring we’re doing what everyone else in the northern hemisphere is doing: getting the yard and gardens in order!

We’ve been chipping away at the huge piles of soil and all that remains is a tiny heap. I realize now it would have been great to do a time-lapse showing the piles of dirt slowly reducing in size. Oh well. 🙂

Besides leveling the back corner as I mentioned last time, we also brought a lot of the dirt out front, after having that area cleared by the excavator last fall it was ready for some proper top soil.  28794310346_b6574171c5_o

Once again, looks are deceiving. It took many loads of dirt to get this leveled out. We brought the dirt all the way from the furthest corner of the house to the full front side. We even got the sidewalk/path staked out. The front bed was filled out and widened too now that all threat of scaffolding is over.

Even the woodland garden was extended and filled in with extra dirt. Rounding up the naturalized daffodils, crocus, snowdrops, etc from the yard was tedious, but they’re free and filled buckets. That’s a lot of blooms concentrated in specific areas instead of being scattered throughout the yard. My tulips haven’t opened yet, but soon!


Pekka hauled a massive amount of dirt to the far corners for my new garden beds. I’m still awaiting delivery of half the order I placed from Viherpeukalot. The items from Poland arrived some time ago and were sprouting in the plastic bags! Eager to get growing 🙂


Near where the newly planted perennials and bulbs went, we decided to put a proper vegetable/fruit bed. We had some well established rhubarb but it was in the wrong place for our future plans; so they needed digging out and moving (we still have plenty extra if anyone wants free rhubarb! -just ask) A couple weekends ago while at the AgriMarket we picked up 4 raspberry bushes. It’s the only berry we didn’t have growing in volume. There are a few wild raspberries here and there as well as alpine strawberries… but I hope we get a lot from these, I just love raspberries!

Not sure, but I think we will have more rhubarb than we could ever use. Leaves on the berry bushes are about all we have so far. The trees are still some time away from leafing out. I can hardly wait for the rest of my plants to get here so I can get them in the ground. We moved a few small evergreens into the yard from along the fence line, which gives them a chance of fully developing. We also planted an Acer Platanoides – Faasen’s Black maple tree to replace the large birch tree that the excavator took out last year. (photo credit: http://www.tonnersjo.se/om.htm)

We’ve been fairly busy outside, not so busy inside 🙂  Pete and his son aren’t yet done with the fascia and soffit. They were able to get the scaffolding torn down and carted most of it off last Thursday. Pete will be back next week to complete the rest I hope. The front porch area still need soffit and fascia then all of it will be done. Guess then we can start on building the back door stairs and use up some of the concrete blocks that have been taking up space on the front lawn since last summer!  I will be delighted when they are gone 🙂

Hope the spring weather has inspired you to get outside and enjoy the many great things that make springtime wonderful!

Until next time ❤ from us at Vanha Talo Suomi