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An unexpected, but very pleasant surprise today!  A fellow blogger from Australia has nominated VanhaTaloSuomi for a Liebster Award!

liebster2I’d like to thank Matt for the nom as it’s a wonderful feeling to know our project and blogging efforts are enjoyed and appreciated. Thanks so much Matt! 🙂 Please take a look at his blog Railway Parade House. I’m sure you’ll find it as enjoyable as I do.

By accepting the award I’m to answer random questions posed by the nominator/ Matt and then follow up by nominating 5 other blogs with less than 1000 followers.  Matt’s questions are:

1. What is the best thing about blogging?

Before I started my blog about the house project, I’d not given blogs much attention or notice. The ones I had seen in the past were usually long, one-page wordy articles that I got bored with after just a few minutes. WordPress has done an exceptional job in tailoring blog page designs and creating templates that suit almost every sort of style. They’ve made blogging a real literary resource – something that’s fun and interesting to be involved in.

2. How did you come up with your blog name?

Our house remodeling project is about renovating an old Finnish house!  I chose the name vanhatalosuomi because it translates to just that: old house Finnish

3. What is your favourite tree?

Tough question! I’ve always loved cherry trees, having had one in the front yard at my childhood home. But I also really appreciate the sturdy good looks of a really old oak or pine tree.  I’m just thankful that trees are plentiful here in Finland 🙂

4. Favourite shrub?

My favorites have always been ones that flower and/or produce fruit! There’s something truly delightful about picking berries from your own shrubs. I like all kinds of berries, but probably raspberries are a favorite. I like flowering hibiscus, which unfortunately is a bit too tropical for Finland. 🙂

5. What would be your ideal sized garden?

Big and bigger! Gardening is so rewarding… and so time consuming! But I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Truly the ideal garden size to me has more to do with making the best use of the space you have.  I sometimes get design envy when I see hardscapes and statuary that I know I could never pull off in my own garden. I try to aim for doing my gardens justice by doing them well, with proper planning and proper placements of plant specimens. But I’m always learning! 🙂

6. Besides gardening, what is your favourite hobby?

I really enjoy sports and sporting events – of all kinds. Ice hockey has always been a favorite pastime, and I also enjoy hiking in the woods. These are things that Pekka and I enjoy doing together 🙂

7. What is your favourite type of music?

My initial answer used to be : LOUD. Now, I’d have to say it really depends…most of all I prefer music that is played well.  I enjoy everything from Frank Sinatra to electronica. I don’t have time for hate or violence lyrics.

8. What book(s) are you currently reading?

Nothing at the moment. Last one was a bit of a fantasy thriller. I usually tend to grab something that’s fictional, yet somewhat historically accurate. Pekka really enjoys Sci-Fi, but it’s not for me. 🙂

9. Where is your ideal holiday destination?

Having traveled quite a bit, but certainly not everywhere I would have to rely on trusted Italy or Switzerland which I know can deliver an ideal get-away location.  I’ve been to both places several times and have always had a great time in either place. Now that Pekka and I are together, I’d have to say that an ideal destination would be one where we both could see something new and try something different -together!

10. Do you prefer sweet or savoury foods?


11. Name five famous people (alive or dead) that you would love to have a dinner party with?

Benjamin Franklin, Sitting Bull, Michelangelo Buonarotti, Albert Einstein, Cleopatra

wow, that would be one weird party! But excellent conversations I’m sure 🙂

And now I’d like to nominate the following blogs for delivering inspiration, insight and reading pleasure. I have enjoyed these blogs quite a bit and hope their author/owners will be as delighted as I was to be nominated by yours truly.

Adventures in Remodeling

Nest of Squirrels

One Foot Out The Door

The Anxious Gardener

AZ Caretaker

So, my dear Liebster Award nominees, if you choose to accept the award, there’s just a couple things left to do: link back to this blog in a new post, answer the questions and choose five other blogs with under 1000 followers.

My eleven questions for you are:

  1. If you could arrange a do-over, and repeat one aspect of your life would you a) do something again just the same way since it was so fun the 1st time, or b) change something completely and possibly not do it at all? Also, what would your do-over be exactly!?
  2. Which would you choose if you could be guaranteed only one for a lifetime. Fame, Fortune, Romance.
  3. Are you an optimist or a pessimist?
  4. Which came first? The chicken or the egg?
  5. What has been the most challenging aspect of blogging?
  6. Name something someone has told you that you couldn’t do, but eventually you did anyway?
  7. If you were able to give yourself one piece of advice at an earlier age, what would you have told your younger self?
  8. Do you prefer the book or movie version?
  9. When and who was the last band or symphony you heard live?
  10. What do you think are the 5 most significant things/events of the 20th century.
  11. Who’s blog or writing style inspired you to try it for yourself? If you can think of quite a few, choose 5 to nominate for the Liebster Award and include the remainder as Special Mention with a link! 🙂

    Again, I’d like to thank Matt at Railway Parade House for nominating Vanha Talo Suomi for the Liebster! 🙂 Happy Gardening to you Matt – my gardens are under snow! So hurry up and take more pictures of your lovely sunny garden!

Until next time, Kate & Pekka @ Vanha Talo Suomi! ❤